Intentional. My one word for 2018 has been brewing in my heart and mind for the past six weeks or so. As I've planned and purposed for the coming year, the Lord has led me time and again to the reminder that all the stuff, all the activity, all the accomplishments, all of everything isn't worth anything unless it's focused on what matters most. INTENTIONAL: My One Word for 2018 How does this idea of being INTENTIONAL play out in my everyday life and ministry? What does it mean for my ... [Read More]
Planning for the Holidays {3 questions you must answer}
Thanksgiving is just over a week away. Y'all, for real. I cannot figure out where 2017 has gone. But here's what I know, as quickly as the past ten months have flown by, the next two will go even faster. Which means, I need to have a plan in place if I want to be intentional and experience the wonder of the holidays. Planning for the Holidays {3 questions you MUST answer} One of my biggest goals is to be focused on the people and purpose of the holidays and not get distracted by the ... [Read More]
{Book Review} Reading People by Anne Bogel
I'm a personality test junkie. Seriously. All of them. I mean, ALL of them. Like even the "Which Disney Princess Are You?" kind on Buzz Feed. {Book Review} Reading People by Anne Bogel Since I have such a powerful affection for all things personality, I couldn't help but get Anne Bogel's new book, Reading People: How Seeing the World through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything. If you don't know Anne, she is the genius behind Modern Mrs. Darcy and the host of the What ... [Read More]
The Gift of LAUGHTER
A couple of years ago my family told me I don't laugh very much. I argued with them to assure them I do laugh. But they were adamant than I didn't laugh very much around them. It seems I was always trying to get something done or frustrated because they were goofing off when I needed help. My husband and my daughter rattled off all the reasons I didn't laugh ... and I realized something — they were right. I wasn't laughing very much, at least not at home. The Gift of Laughter Somehow ... [Read More]
The benefit of the doubt. It's one of those things we all want to receive ... but sometimes we are not as good as giving it to others. But if I've learned anything about relationships in my forty-six years, it's this—the gift of understanding is one of the most precious things we can give our friends. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, the gift of understanding is necessary for a friendship to last over the long haul. THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDING I haven't always been great at this—in ... [Read More]
The Gift of PEACE
We live in a contentious time, y'all. It seems as if people are longing for a fight and looking to be offended. Between 24-hour "news" and our social media feeds, we can find a reason to be hostile or hurt without much effort at all. And, I don't know about you, but it all makes me want to binge watch 80s sitcoms and eat all the Ben & Jerry's. Unfortunately, that doesn't make any sort of impact on the conversations or the relationships. THE GIFT OF PEACE One of the great ... [Read More]
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