It's crazy to me that someone who is a self-described prayer failure has written not one but two books about prayer. Over the years, I've realized that most of us, if we're honest, feel like prayer failures. We just aren't sure what or how to pray. And, for many people, that means our prayer life isn't nearly as strong as other areas. But here's what I'm finding, the older I get — our spiritual life is only as strong as our prayer life. Prayer is the foundation of everything else we do. It's ... [Read More]
5 Truths We Need to Trust
We're praying for our girls to find their identity in Christ this quarter. One of the moms asked me how I define identity from a biblical perspective. I told her what I've always told my daughter, that our true identity is who God says we are. But here's the thing, I know how large the gap can be between KNOWING what God says about who we are and BELIEVING what God says about who we are. One of my favorite passages about our identity and our place in the Lord is Isaiah 43. Last week I ... [Read More]
March Prayer Calendar Available Now!
Hi friends! It's one of my favorite days of the month — prayer calendar day! It is such a joy and honor for me to create these easy-to-use resources to help you pray Scripture every day for the girls in your life. Some of you have been with me from the beginning — and that means you have prayed well over 2000 Scripture-based prayer for your daughters over the past three years. Can you believe that? It's crazy for me to even think about. March Prayer Calendar — Praying through Isaiah ... [Read More]
Prayers from the Pews {September Prayer Challenge}
{Spend September praying for your church using simple Scripture-based prayer prompts based on the book of Acts. #prayersfromthepews} Can you believe it's already the day after Labor Day? This year has flown by for our family. Maybe it has for yours too? Perhaps you remember that almost a year ago Scott started a new job — he's the Associate Pastor at First Baptist Church in Florence, Alabama. We've spent the past eleven months learning the ropes at our new church, getting used to a ... [Read More]
A Prayer for My Girl’s Senior Year
In July 1995 Scott and I sat in the Pizza Hut in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, shocked about my pregnancy. Just a few weeks before, a fertility specialist in Birmingham had basically assured us that day would never come. Our miracle baby, the one for whom we had prayed for almost four years, was born February 17, 2000, in the newly renovated maternity center at Helen Keller Hospital. We'd chosen not to find out the gender of our baby, so when the doctor delivered our eight-pound child, he looked at ... [Read More]
How to Pray When You Just Don’t Know What to Pray
A few years ago life was hard. Not in the dramatic, life-threatening illness kind of way (we were past that season), but in the nothing is going smoothly sort of way. Church was hard. Marriage was hard. Family was hard. Parenting was hard. During that time, I wasn't always sure what to pray. In fact, some days I just didn't know what to pray at all. I wasn't depressed or angry or hurt ... I was really more weary than anything else. When You Just Don't Know What to Pray I'm guessing you ... [Read More]
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