Five Ways to Interact with Scripture

Does anyone remember the old time flannel boards from Sunday school of yore? (I've always wanted to use that word—yore—and I finally did! #smallgoals haha!) So low tech but, man, they were so cool. Almost all my early memories of time spent in church involve carefully arranging pieces of stories like Joseph and his colored robe or Jesus feeding the 5000 onto big boards, green flannel on bottom, blue on top. I didn't know it at the time but those stories were being etched into my heart and mind ... [Read More]

Praying the Psalms {or “I No Longer Think David Was a Whiner”}

I can be, well let's just say, I can be overly emotional. I like to blame it on my mid-forties hormones but the truth is, I've always been this way. I come by it honest — my Bigmama is, as my Aunt Mollianne says, "a force of nature." I feel things deeply, believe things strongly, and speak things passionately. I get tears in my eyes every time the band plays "Star-Spangled Banner" before a football game and I laugh hysterically at the cat and cucumber videos every time I watch them on ... [Read More]

#MarriagePrayers: 1 John 4:7

Can you believe it? The last post in our #MarriagePrayers series. Thank you so much for joining us ... we've loved sharing these stories and verses and prayers with you. To those who have shared these posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, we give our deepest thanks. To those who have left comments and sent emails to let us know how the prayers have impacted you, we are humbled and grateful that God would use us. To those who are struggling to find a shred of hope to hang on to in your ... [Read More]

#MarriagePrayers: 1 Peter 1:13

Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. — 1 Peter 1:13 ********** We've both mentioned in previous posts about facing infertility. Those were truly some of the hardest days of our lives. We spent countless nights holding each other in the dark as we cried silently, feeling our dreams of a family slipping farther and farther from our grasp. During that time in our ... [Read More]

#MarriagePrayers: James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. — James 1:5 ********** If there is one verse I pray more than any other, it's this one. Rarely a day passes that I don't beg God to help me be wise in one area or another. With a 16-year-old daughter, I find myself asking for wisdom more times and about more situations than I ever imagined possible. I also consistently pray for Scott to have wisdom as he leads our home and ... [Read More]

#MarriagePrayers: Philippians 3:8

Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. — Philippians 3:8 ********** After nearly 20 years together, you would think Scott and I would know each other pretty well. And in some ways we do. But even after all this time, there are still things we learn about each other. For example, until just a few months ago, I thought ... [Read More]