Dear Monday, I really need another day to prepare for you. Could you come back tomorrow and let's try this again? Mmkay? Thanks! xo, TL Wouldn't it be awesome if I could really do that? Just add in 24 hours between Sunday and Monday? Because, seriously, I really need a day to recover from the chaos of Sunday before the totally different but just as chaotic day we call Monday. Don't you? I'm sitting here in my office/study right now. I've had my quiet time this morning ... ... [Read More]
Sabbath Thoughts
Yesterday we had friends from Georgia over for lunch after church. We ate a simple meal of chicken and dumplins with cornbread and sat around the table laughing and reminiscing about the first time we'd met and trips we'd taken together. We marveled at how big our girls are now and wondered where the time went. After the bowls and plates were piled in the sink, we moved to the living room to continue our conversation over coffee and pie. Our friends left and we slowly roused ourselves to get ... [Read More]
Are You Too Busy?
As I have been writing and preparing to speak this weekend, I've been re-reading several of my favorite books on rest and priorities. I think my all-time favorite book on the topic of rest and Sabbath is The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath by Mark Buchanan. I've underlined and highlighted and dog-eared a large portion of the book. One of my favorite chapters is the one on busyness. Well, maybe favorite isn't the best word. It's a great chapter but it hurts me to ... [Read More]
Wisdom for Saturday
Perhaps this is just what the doctor ordered for your weekend? ... [Read More]
Practical Suicide
Got your attention? I'm reading this amazing book ... The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath by Mark Buchanon. Do you ever have a book you KNOW you are supposed to be reading ... RIGHT NOW? This is that book for me. Scott bought Buchanon's book for me for Christmas and I added it to the large stack of books I received. In January, I was reading (again) One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are and noticed a few quotes that resonated within me ... guess ... [Read More]