Welcome to Day 18 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Yesterday I shared what was, for me at least, a piece of ground-breaking news — busy isn't always bad. I'm one of those people others may describe as "over-achiever" or "high energy." It's not uncommon for people to say, "I don't know how you do all you do." I don't necessarily think I am any of those things {well, except high energy, I really can be that} but others perceive me that way. And, I'd guess at least a few of you who are ... [Read More]
Busy Isn’t Always Bad
Welcome to Day 17 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! The posts for today and tomorrow are where I am right now. But they are also where so many women I know are as well. It's called: BUSY. I recently said you to a friend I feel like I live at the intersection of Hectic Road and Frantic Avenue. Maybe you do too? Just over a year ago, I wrote a post titled Busy Women Welcome Here. Why? Because it seems like, especially in Christian circles, there are a whole lot of blog posts and books ... [Read More]
Lopsided Living: Embrace the Season You’re In
Welcome to Day 11 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Do you ever get frustrated or tired of the season you're in? Of course you do! We all do. My sixteen-year-old daughter is ready to graduate from high school and start college. Scott and I teach the college and career Sunday school class at our church ... and all of the young adults in our class are ready to be done with college and start "real life." The singles want to be married. The young married want kids. The moms of ... [Read More]
Establishing Your Priorities
Well hello there! Thanks for joining me today. This week we're talking about ordering our days. Remember, I told you I didn't have any sort of magic plan to make life smooth. {Oh how I wish I did!!} Instead, we're going to explore three basic concepts to provide a framework for ordering our days. First up – establishing priorities. Last week I shared how the idea of good v. best can often become a struggle for us. Today I want to unpack that idea a little bit more and give you some ... [Read More]
Being OK with Where You Are {book review}
When I give my "it" to God I am not setting it free to fly and let the universe decide to bring it back or not. Instead, I am surrendering my plans to a personal God who loves me and knows what is best for my heart. Being OK with Where You Are I have no idea what your "it" is ... in fact, some days I'm not even sure what mine is. I'm sure I did know, long before the laundry piled up and the pre-algebra homework lasted until bedtime. But now, somehow, I just feel like I'm treading ... [Read More]
Learning to Listen
In March I was saying, "If we can just get through April, then we will have some space to breathe." But May brought with it the chaos of end-of-school and final exams and one more show choir production and cheerleading fittings and graduation and parties ... and then it was June. Really? June, already? Wasn't it just yesterday I was finding a new longing to listen, to learn the practice of stillness? And now, it's June. 2013 is nearing the halfway point. This past weekend Scott and I ... [Read More]