Living Sacrifices

Welcome to Day 16 of 31 Ways to Embrace Living Lopsided! On Sundays we are taking time to meditate on a specific verse or passage and understand how it helps us live abundantly and with intention. Today's verse is one of my favorites:  I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1 Lopsided Living Reminds Us We Are Called to Be Living Sacrifices That ... [Read More]

28 Days, 28 Ways: Speak Kind Words

Thanks for joining me again today. We're on day 4 of 28 Days, 28 Ways: Investing in Your Marriage. If you've missed any of the previous posts, you can find them indexed here. A few years ago, I was studying the biblical idea of submission. One of the concepts I learned during that time was that submission is rooted in being polite. At the time I asked myself and others a big question: What if submission begins with simply being polite? The fact is, we live in a very rude world. Common ... [Read More]

16 Tips for Lifelong Marriage … In Honor of Our 16th Anniversary

Today marks 16 years since I became Mrs. Scott Underwood.  What a gift to marry my best friend and a man whom I deeply admire.   I've been thinking, as we've watched some marriages fall apart lately around us, what makes ours last.  And so, here are 16 tips to a life-long marriage. Remember the covenant ... this isn't just you and your husband, it's also between you and the Lord. Talk ... every day.  About something other than the kids and your finances.  Words build a relationship that ... [Read More]

The Other “S” Word: Submission

Speak graciously to your husband. Speak well of him. Sex is a good thing - enjoy it! What a week we've had around here, huh?   I've so appreciated all your comments and tweets and shares on Facebook.  Marriage is hard and we need all the encouragement we can give one another!   Today, we've hit that other "s" word:  Submission. A few years ago I wrote this: The bottom line in submission is an attitude of our hearts … a desire to treat our husbands with respect, to place his best ... [Read More]

Civil Assent in the Church

This is it, y’all!  The last post what I’ve begun calling the “Be Polite!” series. If you missed any of this, check out the posts on being Courteously Reverent in our marriages and the four principles of Polite Parenting.  This week, we’ve explored how being polite is a key component in the mutual submission Paul spoke of in our relationships with each other. Today, we’ll wrap it all up with a brief look at how this civil assent, being polite, MUST mark our lives within the body of Christ … ... [Read More]