Thanksgiving is just over a week away. Y'all, for real. I cannot figure out where 2017 has gone. But here's what I know, as quickly as the past ten months have flown by, the next two will go even faster. Which means, I need to have a plan in place if I want to be intentional and experience the wonder of the holidays. Planning for the Holidays {3 questions you MUST answer} One of my biggest goals is to be focused on the people and purpose of the holidays and not get distracted by the ... [Read More]
Don’t Forget to Remember {or why you need Thanksgiving traditions}
"Take care lest you forget ..." Several times in Deuteronomy the Lord speaks these words to the Israelites. He knew their hearts could easily be distracted from all He had done for them— things like, rescuing them from their bondage in Egypt, splitting the Red Sea, providing them manna and quail in the wilderness, sand guiding them to the Promised Land. Can you imagine forgetting to remember those things? Letting the mundane of life sweep aside the powerful ways God had delivered you? ... [Read More]
25 Ideas for Thanksgiving Stocking Stuffers
Thanksgiving stockings. Yes, you read that right. It's my favorite tradition here at the Underwood abode. Scott and I were trying to remember when we started it ... and we're just pretty sure it was within the first year or two of our marriage. Here's the gist: We realized there are all sorts of little Christmas-y goodies we loved to gift but it seemed silly to put them into Christmas stockings because what fun are Christmas socks on Christmas morning? So, we started our Thanksgiving ... [Read More]
When God Draws Near: May We Be Stilled
Here we are ... Thanksgiving week. I have no idea how this is even possible. 2012 has flown by! We are halfway through the When God Draws Near series and I'm working hard to get the devotions finished up and ready for you in a couple of weeks. One of my favorite things is to provide ideas and resources for others. Last week I mentioned a playlist for meditating and keeping your heart and mind focused on the redemption story throughout the holiday season. Thankfully I am married to a ... [Read More]
On Gratitude
This month, we'll be a little more intentional about speaking (and writing) our gratitudes. My prayer is that I will allow my gratitude to become my gr-attitude ... and that it will last long before the listing of thanks ends on Facebook status updates. Thank God! Call out His Name! Tell the whole world who He is and what He's done! 1 Chronicles 16:34 MSG ... [Read More]
Fall Favorites: Thanksgiving Stockings
It's one of my four favorite seasons ... autumn! I love the colors and smells and foods and traditions of fall. So, I thought I'd share some of my favorites over the next few days. First up, my absolute favorite Thanksgiving tradition here at The Underwood Abode: Thanksgiving Stockings! Every year after the table is cleared and our bellies are stuffed with sweet potatoes and dressing and pumpkin pie, Scott and I give everyone who has gathered with us for the day a "Thanksgiving ... [Read More]