{Book Review} Reading People by Anne Bogel

I'm a personality test junkie. Seriously. All of them. I mean, ALL of them. Like even the "Which Disney Princess Are You?" kind on Buzz Feed. {Book Review} Reading People by Anne Bogel Since I have such a powerful affection for all things personality, I couldn't help but get Anne Bogel's new book, Reading People: How Seeing the World through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything. If you don't know Anne, she is the genius behind Modern Mrs. Darcy and the host of the What ... [Read More]

9 Great Books {Releasing August – October 2017}

Do you ever wish someone would just make a list of the books you should read? Well, you're in luck! Because that is exactly what I am doing today. I've got recommendations for just about everyone. And the best part is, I already have every one of these books and I can promise you each one is written by a woman who is passionate about the Lord. 9 Great Books {Releasing August - October 2017} I've separated them by release date for you but I'm also including a few thoughts about the book as ... [Read More]

Happy Book Birthday!! Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most

Y'all! It's here!! I can't believe it is finally July 18 — and Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most is making her appearance in this big old world. But there's some else I want to tell you — this book isn't just for moms. Happy Book Birthday! Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most It's true, while I believe it's a resource that can both encourage and equip girl moms to pray with confidence and boldness. The simple truth is — Praying for Girls ... [Read More]

What I’m Reading {July 2017}

So, June and July are mostly about one book in my little world — Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most.  I suppose that sounds a little self-centered, right? But I hope beyond hope by now you know, the reason I wrote and keep telling you about this book is because I've been living the truths it contains and they've changed me.  And I believe they can change you too! Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most "Praying for Girls: Asking God for the ... [Read More]

10 Ways to Help an Author

This may be one of the most challenging and humbling posts I've ever written.  Because as much as I love sharing what's going on in my life and as much fun as it is to share books I'm reading — it feels a little weird to mix those two. {Which means, there's a pretty good chance by the end of this post my awkwardness will be on full display. Consider yourself forewarned.} So many of you have prayed for and encouraged me as I wrote the manuscript for Praying for Girls: Asking God for the ... [Read More]

3 Reasons Gathering around a Table Matters

A few years ago I read what has become one of my favorite quotes about motherhood, The great motherhood friendships are the ones in which two women can admit how difficult mothering is quietly to each other, over cups of tea at a sticky table with spilled apple juice and littered with markers without tops. ~ Anna Quindlan It's true, right? Those friends who've seen the mess in our homes and our hearts, who know our fears and failures, who've laughed and cried with us — not just about ... [Read More]