If you've read my book, you might remember reading about what I refer to as the Worst. Summer. Ever. Casiday was 13 and it rained all summer long. We didn't get to do much except watch it rain. And get on each other's nerves. It was not my finest moment as a mom. But the rain and the heat and the humidity — and the 13-year-old hormones. Y'all, it wasn't pretty or fun. But we survived. And now, six years later, we can laugh about it as we enjoy our time together. Maybe you're in one of ... [Read More]
10 Ways to Keep Scripture in Front of Our Girls
Whew, y'all, it's summer in Alabama for sure. Which is to say that it's already nine thousand degrees outside with ten thousand percent humidity. Basically, I'll be "glistening" until my birthday in October. Gotta love the South. ha!! Casiday wrapped her first year in college earlier this month and starts her summer classes next week. {She's taking Physics which just proves, again, that she is my total opposite.} Summer can be a mixed bag for moms — we love the freedom from schedules and ... [Read More]
when you wonder how how it happened so fast
She turned nineteen on Sunday. NINE. TEEN. Y'all, for real, how is this even possible? Somehow, this has hit me harder than her high school graduation. Which is, I suppose, very weird. But true nonetheless. This beautiful daughter of mine is nineteen. Only one year left of her teens. Which somehow seems like a victory for both of us. We've almost made it. when you wonder how it happened so fast It sort of snuck up on me, this sense of shock about her childhood essentially being over. ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading {February 2019}
Hey friends! Last week we bought some of those cube storage things for Scott's vinyl collection. I made a spreadsheet so we'd know what albums he had (this is necessary because he had duplicates of several and even three copies of a few and also because I like spreadsheets). When we were done, there were 463 records on the list. Yes, that's a lot of vinyl. Naturally, I was teasing him about the number ... and then he pointed to the three FULL bookshelves also in our living room and I realized ... [Read More]
{in case no one has told you lately} You Are a GREAT Mom!
You are a GREAT mom! I'm serious. I know you may not feel like it's true. But it is. And maybe today you need to be reminded. Because really what we all need is a little less mom guilt and a lot more mom grace, right? So consider this your Thursday morning hug from me — So, in case no one has told you today — You are a GREAT mom! If you were sitting here with me and we were on our second cup of coffee and past all the small talk, I'd ask you this one question: What are you ... [Read More]
FIRST ASK WHY {an interview with author Shelly Wildman}
I love birthdays! Even though my birthday is at the beginning of October, I always feel like I should get to celebrate all month long. But it isn't just people birthdays I love — I also get super excited about book birthdays! And today is the birthday of a book I am thrilled to share with you, written by a woman I deeply admire and respect and am thankful to call friend. First Ask Why: Raising Kids to Love God through Intentional Discipleship by Shelly Wildman needs to be on every parent's ... [Read More]
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