Locate and Use Pockets of Time Wisely

Welcome to Day 5 of 31 Simple Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Wow, y'all! I've been overwhelmed by the response to the first four days of this series. Thank you so much for all the shares on social media! I've been super encouraged by the way these simple ideas are resonating with so many women in so many different seasons of life. So, thank you! Very, very much. Today's topic is one of my favorites. This is the life hack I have used most successfully to accomplish major goals in several ... [Read More]

Time Management or Time Maximization?

Some days I make my to do list and when I'm done I just want to go back to bed. I tend to put off those little things like making doctor appointments, scheduling photo sessions, and picking up prescriptions until the very last minute.  In fact, today is one of those days where I'm going to have to force myself to do a bunch of those types of things. I hate all of that. {If anyone wants to volunteer to manage this sort of thing for me, I'll pay in hugs and banana pudding. I kid. sorta.} Then ... [Read More]

Choose the Moment

Oh my word, y'all! How has it been over a week since I last wrote? I wish I could tell you it's because I've been busy decorating for the holidays and I have some easy but awesome ideas to share ... or because I was inspired to start sewing again ... or because Scott had whisked me off for a week-long trip to the mountains. {A girl can dream, right?} But really, all that's been happening here is the same mundane stuff of life that you deal with also. As I sit here looking out the window at ... [Read More]

3 Reasons to Try Amazon Prime

{this post contains affiliate links. if you purchase through them, i will receive a small commission.} I admit it, I'm a huge Amazon fan. I might have owned almost every generation of Kindle made. I have an addiction to ebooks and they certainly meet that need in my life. I love being able to search for {and buy} anything from my favorite K Cups to boots for me and my girl. But here's the deal ... Amazon Prime makes Amazon even better!   Here are the three biggest reasons I love ... [Read More]

Life Coaching, Laundry, and Learning to Focus

  Once upon a time there was a girl who was Type AAAAAAA. Schedule and routine were her BFFs. She nurtured her relationship with them and gave them plenty of attention. She consulted the mighty duo before accepting any obligation. She paid attention to how she spent her time and took pride in accomplishing her daily goals. All was well in her world. Until ... She had a three-week-long headache due to stress. Her husband started a new job at a church in a new community. Her daughter ... [Read More]

Creating Time? 10 Simple Ideas

Is your to do list overwhelming? Have you ever wished for just one more hour in the day?  Or one more day in the week? Do you wish you could create more time? Yeah, me too.  In fact, if we're honest, I'd imagine we all do.  We cannot make our days last 25 hours, but we can find simple ways to use the time we have better.  I'm no organizational expert.  If you were to come visit my house right now, you'd see my dining room table piled high with all the "stuff" that didn't fit when we put ... [Read More]